Can we track the CPU usage of multiple VMs of Azure VM Scale Set at a single time?

Yes, it is possible to track the CPU usage of multiple VMs of Azure VM ScaleSet simultaneously using Middleware. Here are the steps to do so:

  1. Go to the installation page and find the Azure VM Scale Set in the integration section.
  2. Click on the installation integration button and follow the instructions provided.
  3. You will need to provide details such as your Subscription ID, Tenant ID, Client ID, and other relevant information to complete the setup.

Once the setup is complete, you will start seeing data on the Middleware dashboard. You can customize the widgets according to your requirements.

To view the CPU usage of multiple VMs, create a new widget, select the list value graph, and use the Percentage CPU metrics. You can also group the data by location, VM name, and AKS pool name to display all relevant details in a single widget.

Refer the documentation for more details: Azure Integration