Can we create a custom dashboard that can show latency of the request from the UI as well as latency of the backend?

Yes, we can create a custom dashboard like that using our custom widget feature.

To create the custom widget, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your dashboard and add a custom widget. Give it a suitable title.
  2. Select a List Value graph and choose “traces” as the main attribute.
  3. For the metric, you can select “p_75,” as it provides a good representation of frontend application performance by balancing central performance trends with a wide range of user experiences.
  4. Under “Group By,” select “https.url” to view the URLs along with the response time delays.
  5. If you want, you can also add the average response time as a secondary attribute to have a direct comparison.
  6. In same way we can do for the backend requests.
